The world of cyber crime prevention is ever-changing. Yesterday’s security is no match for the evolving threats and attack methods used by today’s cyber criminals.
For some time now, many large corporate organisations have included in their IT security armoury a Security Operations Centre (SOC) function. This uses advanced security controls to provide 24/7 proactive monitoring, threat detection and remediation.
SOC is an enhanced, specialist service, which sits above the more standard security measures that tend to fall under IT support contracts. The key features are:
- SOC uses a mix of Artificial Intelligence and outsourced security experts to constantly track activity, including suspicious logins and security changes
- Device attacks are remediated at the point they happen, rather than retrospectively
- Any malicious attempts are immediately reported back to the customer’s IT support provider
- As well as physical computers, cloud accounts are also monitored, identifying any compromises or unauthorised mail forwarding
- The process detects any suspicious tools that should not be present on your network, and identifies any malicious files, scripts or remote access
- SOC also monitors the Dark Web for any exposed credentials linked to your domain
- In the event of a security breach, experts would be on hand to fully investigate it, following a defined Cyber incident response plan.
Until recently, most small and medium sized businesses have found the costs of SOC a barrier. However, new services now exist which enable IT Support companies to provide an outsourced SOC function to businesses of any size, at an affordable price point.
Pricing is based on a monthly subscription model, linked to the number of devices supported. Please contact us to find out more, or enter your contact details here.