New search results page coming to Microsoft Teams

A new search results experience is being launched next month in Microsoft Teams.

Its aim is to simplify and enhance the process of finding messages, people, and files that are held within Teams.

Currently, when users search on a word or multiple words, the results are displayed in a list in the left column of the screen. The search can be filtered between messages, people and files, but it can still take a little while to scroll through a long list before finding the required item(s).

The new search results page will feature better context, faster results and improved filtering capabilities. The results should be more relevant as the search will use Artificial Intelligence to find items relating to the people and content that the individual user engages with most.

Initially at least, the new functionality will be available with Teams for Desktop, but not on mobile phones / tablets.

If you have any questions about using Teams in your business, please speak with us or enter your contact details here.