Could your employees let cyber criminals into your business?

A recent study into 2022 cyber security risks has identified that more than 85% of cyber attacks start with the “human factor.”

One simple human action by someone in your organisation might be all it takes to open the door for a cyber criminal.

Many businesses don’t give enough focus to staff awareness of cyber risks – despite going to the trouble of putting other IT security measures in place. That’s a bit like protecting your home with the latest alarm system but then leaving the front door open!

Some of the common human actions (or lack of action) which can leave your business exposed, are:

  1. Relying purely on (often weak) passwords and not putting multi-factor authentication in place.
  2. Not running software updates when they are released.
  3. Allowing an unauthorised person to use a company device.
  4. Inadvertent actions resulting from a lack of security awareness. These may include
    • Clicking on links or attachments in a malicious email
    • Visiting websites that are not secure
    • Using unsecure WiFi
    • Being tricked by cyber criminals into providing information or sending money

Points 1 to 3 can be handled at organisational level, through your company systems and policies. If you need assistance with these, please let us know.

Point 4, though, depends on the behaviours of individuals and needs to be dealt with through training and awareness. Online training modules are available for a low-cost monthly subscription, to keep your people up to date with cyber risks, how to spot them, and avoid falling foul of them.

Short, regular training sessions tend to be most useful, and a weekly series that can be tailor-made for individuals has proved to be particularly effective. Talk to us to find out more or enter your contact details here.