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What’s changing this year with Cyber Essentials?

Launched almost a decade ago, Cyber Essentials is a government-backed set of IT security standards, designed to help organisations minimise the risk of cyber attacks. Cyber Essentials also helps businesses demonstrate to interested parties (such as their customers) that they are operating within certain standards. In order to keep abreast of ever-evolving cyber threats, Cyber


What to look for in an IT support company

When it comes to choosing an IT support company, there are a few key things you should keep in mind to ensure that you find a competent and reliable provider. Here are five points to consider when evaluating an IT support company: If you’re not currently using HJS Technology for IT support and would like


Apple releases Ventura

Within the last month, Apple has launched the latest Operating System for Mac – which it has named Ventura. It will run on almost any Mac released in the last five years. The key enhancements that Ventura brings, are: Feel free to give us a call to discuss more details or enter your contact details


Help to Grow: Digital. Funding and advice to help with business software.

Help to Grow: Digital is a government backed-scheme that helps eligible businesses to buy and integrate software into their organisation. The scheme was launched earlier this year. It followed research which identified that many business owners felt that cost, and a lack of knowledge, were barriers to them adopting new software and digital ways of