Anne Edwards, Author at HJS Technology Ltd - Page 8 of 15

Our Christmas opening hours

As the end of another year is fast-approaching, we would like to thank all our customers for their business during 2022 and to let you know when support will be available over the Christmas period. We will be working as normal until 17.30 on Friday 23rd December. Engineering support will then be available again from


Carbon neutral printers now available

Business owners who are concerned about the carbon footprint of their organisation will be interested to learn of a new initiative for carbon-neutral printers. Our print partner Kyocera is now able to offer customers the option to carbon-offset new devices such as MFPs (Multi Function Printers) and desktop printers. For some time now, Kyocera devices


The false economy of running older printers

In the current economic climate, business owners are naturally looking at ways to contain costs and be as efficient as possible. An example might be to forego replacing older equipment and machinery. Why change it, if it is still working? When it comes to your multi-function printer / scanners, or even small desktop printers, it


Apple releases Ventura

Within the last month, Apple has launched the latest Operating System for Mac – which it has named Ventura. It will run on almost any Mac released in the last five years. The key enhancements that Ventura brings, are: Feel free to give us a call to discuss more details or enter your contact details


Help to Grow: Digital. Funding and advice to help with business software.

Help to Grow: Digital is a government backed-scheme that helps eligible businesses to buy and integrate software into their organisation. The scheme was launched earlier this year. It followed research which identified that many business owners felt that cost, and a lack of knowledge, were barriers to them adopting new software and digital ways of


Home working? Would you benefit from a Virtual Commute with Microsoft Viva Insights?

You may have already come across Viva Insights. It’s an Artificial Intelligence tool provided by Microsoft, designed to help people organise their tasks and improve their well-being. Using a range of data sources including your calendar, email, Teams messages and online activity, Viva will remind you of communications requiring follow-up and will also suggest efficient