Green IT – ten tips to help your business reduce its carbon footprint

If you want your business to do its bit for the environment, the technology that you use will be a consideration.

Some technologies are more eco-friendly than others and can help you reduce your carbon footprint. Here are some suggestions:

1. If replacing a PC, consider a laptop, which will generally use less power.
2. Consider replacing your existing backup hardware with a cloud alternative. Cloud services are more energy-efficient than on-premise alternatives, as resources are shared.
3. Remember that battery disposal can contribute to air and water pollution, so think about whether you really need that wireless keyboard and mouse. If batteries are needed, use re-chargeable ones.
4. Use energy-efficient switches and routers to regulate power.
5. Ensure that devices (servers, computers, screens, printers, switches) are configured to power off at appropriate times.
6. Recycle old hardware – ensure data is fully wiped and a data destruction certificate is provided, or get the hard drive destroyed.  Then pass the items on to charity where feasible. If a device cannot be passed on, ensure that it is disposed of in accordance with WEEE recycling policies (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment recycling).
7. Use video conferencing solutions such as Microsoft Teams for business meetings. As well as being more environmentally-friendly, the reduction in travel also saves time and money.
8. Printing – use scanning and electronic filing where possible, and if paper does need to be printed, use double-sided pages and recycled paper.
9. Remember that newer printers are more eco-friendly than older ones. Many have recycled components and recyclable toner cartridges. Some have an element of their cost donated to a re-forestation scheme.
10. Use print software that only produces documents when the user is present at the machine. This should mean the machine is powered-up less often, if users collect several items at a time. It should also reduce paper, as it removes the risk of having to re-print documents due to the wrong user having picked up the first copy!

To discuss any of these aspects in more detail, please get in touch, or enter your contact details here.